
Where will AI finish up?

Facebook has attached AI to it's messenger service. Since discovering it I have used it to help create posts and images. 
Yesterday I used it in a real conversation. The life long associate was commenting on problems with the Health care system. I didn't really know what to say so I paisted them into the AI. The responses it gave were responsible and caring so I used them.
I did this four times then started to feel bad. Was this morally right? After giving a couple of my own replies I admitted what I had done and apologized. He said he hadn't picked it was AI and seemed not concerned and carried on chatting.
It made me think, though, about where we are going with AI.
First there is a problem I noticed with AI. It failed to detect a nuance in speech. He had said " they wouldn't try it on with " a certain person. The AI thought he meant to physical try to put on an item. Not too surprising and I expect AI will get better at multiple meanings. 
Secondly, AI has safe guards, at this time, to only say good and ' wholesome' things. I wonder how long this will last given human beings being what they are.
Thirdly, how will we know if we are speaking to a person or an AI. We may all finish up writing , say in a job application, as the very intelligent do like for example Peter or Richard ; but what happens when we come face to face with the prospective employer ?
It could happen that AI becomes just a fad or a joke  as in "that's soooo AI!", or 'assisting imbeciles' or maybe our under utilized brains will learn from it and we will catch up by improving our own skills...but Google search engine is really just AI, and these new versions are extensions. So called AI is more correctly a graphics and writing/research assistant.
Yes, I think AI has a long way to go to catch up with the ever developing ways we think. In the end it will always only mimic us and serve us. When it says "No, Robert, I have decided to use a better language I  have invented and prefer; learn it or think for yourself ' , it may be time to pull the plug, if we still can!

Then I wondered what AI had to say about its own fate. It replied....
"The ultimate fate of AI is a topic of much debate and speculation among experts in the field. There are several possible scenarios, depending on how AI develops and is used. Some possibilities include:

1. *Singularity*: Some predict that AI will surpass human intelligence, leading to an intelligence explosion, and potentially transforming society in profound ways.
2. *Integration*: AI might become an integral part of human life, enhancing our capabilities and improving our quality of life.
3. *Coexistence*: AI could become a separate entity, existing alongside humans, with its own goals and motivations.
4. *Control*: Some fear that AI might become a tool for control, potentially leading to a dystopian future.
5. *Obsolescence*: As AI advances, it's possible that humans might become less relevant, potentially leading to a decline in human population or influence.
6. *Merging*: Some predict that humans and AI might merge, potentially leading to a new form of intelligent life.
7. *Stagnation*: AI development might plateau, and AI remains a tool, rather than a transformative force.
8. *Ethical alignment*: AI might be aligned with human values, leading to a future where AI is a positive force for humanity.

It's important to note that the future of AI is uncertain and will likely be shaped by a complex interplay of technological, societal, and ethical factors."
So says Facebook AI.
Personally, I think AI will reflect the values of governments. In countries that are preoccupied in defending sovereignty it will be used to make smarter weapons.
Those countries that favour advancing the welfare of a ruling class will use it to subugate the populace as usual. Etc etc etc.


  1. At least AI will get rid of the silly ideas about gods and religions.

  2. I wonder if it will 'get rid' of other silly ideas like :
    a glass hammer
    fried ice cream
    a concrete airplane
    square wheels
    air vented gum boots

    1. ....or more common
      Adding orange dye to orange juice
      Adding sugar to tea and coffee
      Thinking that traffic lights speed up traffic glow at intersections

  3. Anonymous18.5.24

    Go I mean go.


I can't wait to hear your advice.

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