
Car problems fixed.

 As I drove home on Thursday the engine suddenly started running 'rough'. Hesitant with missing in the firing sequence of the power cylinders, might be more precise. In actuality it was a burnt out coil. I had it repaired today. 

My first thought was 'oh no how much is this going to cost'. By the time the weekend was over my thinking was 'I don't care how much it will cost'. 

The coil itself was $221. New spark plugs $47.10. Labour and miscellaneous $178. Gst $71. I was happy with that. Thank you Pitstop.

It's coming over very dark from the south, the weather station is flashing 'rain'. I've put bottles out to catch some pure rain water for K's plants that eat animals. Evidently even filtered water is not good enough. 

Better go and help S to bed.

Sleep the sleep of the righteous.

1 comment:

  1. "It's coming over very dark from the south." That sounds like wat Trump and his cronies say when stirring up trouble about the border wall.

    I'm pleased that you got the car fixed so quickly. PitStop seem to be pretty good at diagnosis.

    Tell Kylie to watch the film 'The Little Shop of Horrors' and see if he still wants to keep 'animal eating plants'.


I can't wait to hear your advice.

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