

 Robert’s Revelations: An Interview with Peter the Billiard Connoisseur and Richard the Doomsday Bassist

Robert: Welcome to “Rob’s Blog,” where we uncover the lighter side of life’s serious pursuits. Today, I’m joined by Peter, a man who knows his way around both a billiard table and a wine bottle, and Richard, who writes about the end times when he’s not serenading it with his violin. Gentlemen, it’s a pleasure to have you.

Peter: Thanks, Robert. I brought my cue and a Cabernet—hope that’s not against studio policy.

Richard: And thank you, Robert. I’ve got my violin case with me, but don’t worry, it’s not hiding a Tommy gun.

Robert: (laughs) Well, let’s keep things non-apocalyptic for now. Peter, they say life is like a game of billiards. Care to elaborate?

Peter: Sure, Robert. Life’s about knowing when to play it safe and when to take a shot. And just like in billiards, sometimes you need a good wine to mull over your next move.

Richard: I’d say life is more like a violin jazz chart on the eve of Judgement Day—you play your heart out, hoping you don’t hit a sour note.

Robert: Speaking of which, Richard, your blog, “Richard’s Bass Bag,” has quite the following. What’s the connection between doomsday and the double bass?

Richard: Well, Robert, they both have strings attached. And whether I’m writing or playing, I aim to strike a chord with my audience—preferably before the world ends.

Peter: I’ll drink to that! Though I hope the world waits until after I’ve finished my glass.

Robert: (chuckles) Now, Peter, as a wine aficionado, do you have a favorite pairing for a tense billiard match?

Peter: Absolutely, Robert. A tense match calls for a bold red—something to match the intensity of a tight corner pocket shot.

Richard: For me, it’s a glass of water. Can’t have shaky hands when you’re playing the violin—or writing about the apocalypse.

Robert: (smiles) Wise choices. Now, if you both had to switch roles for a day, how would that go?

Peter: I’d probably write a post about the ‘Pinot Noir Prophecy’—a tale of grapes predicting the end times.

Richard: And I’d challenge the world’s best billiard players to a game of ‘Violin Pool.’ The stakes? If I win, the apocalypse is canceled.

Robert: (laughs) Let’s hope you’re a quick learner, Richard. Before we wrap up, any final thoughts?

Peter: Just that whether you’re sinking balls or sipping Bordeaux, life’s too short not to enjoy it.

Richard: And I’d add, whether you’re playing the violin or writing about the end, do it with passion. Who knows, it might just save the world.

Robert: Amen to that! Thank you, Peter and Richard, for a delightful conversation. And to our viewers, remember: whether you’re breaking racks or bracing for the rapture, keep a sense of humor. Goodnight!


  1. Anonymous23.6.24

    Richard chuckles.

    Richard (of RBB)

    1. Well, at least if Richard only does that he doesn't have to change his undies.


I can't wait to hear your advice.

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