
The four last things Cochem


Every mortal sin is an infinite evil. It deeply wounds the divine heart of Jesus.

Imagine the three divine persons with their infinite graces and glories to be on one side and on the other the  spirit of evil  with all the punishments and torments of hell.

Now put a man in the middle. Debating within himself if he should show honour to God and follow His will or whether to act in violation of it causing the devil to rejoice. 

Then the man sat at a piano, put dark glasses and ran his fingers through his curly hair. And the man said, AND THE MAN SAID...(Starts to sing in the key of A minor).

" I'll sing like Randy Newman

Sad, morose and down;

I can write a song 'bout short folk,

Or even 'bout a clown.

I turn form you my God,

I'll choose this hateful demon;

Though you have taught your law...

Sins the thing this season.

If I could only rob thee,

Of thy God head three;

I'd replace thee with inequity,

And bow to it with glee.

I would revel in that sin,

And make it all my joy;

Blaspheme the gifts of God,

And teach both man and boy

Sinning boy keep moving,

Moving, moving, moving.

La da da da da da da da

Da da da da da da"

Then God said

"When you sin against me

Tis not just me you hurt

But too my dear son Jesus

Who suffered here on earth.

For when he did incarnate be

Twas that he did for you and me,

To find a lost sheep running free

While Wolfish Satan laughed with glee."


  1. OK.
    I'll stick to YouTube even if they do get their panties in a twist.

  2. Anonymous21.6.24

    "I turn form you my God,

    I'll choose this hateful demon;"

    I turn form?

    Richard (of RBB)


I can't wait to hear your advice.

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